A highly developed biobased economy uses biobased resources primarily for the production of chemicals and materials, and for energy as a side product, in. New starprobio book transition towards a sustainable. Highlighting different perspectives of the bioeconomy, eu relevant projects, as well as the. Introduction to the biobased economy lesmateriaal wikiwijs. It contains antimicrobial and antioxidant compounds that could be used as preservatives. The chapters highlight the importance of bioeconomyrelated. Read the biobased economy biofuels, materials and chemicals in the postoil era by available from rakuten kobo. The role of bioenergy in the emerging bioeconomy 1st edition. The conclusions and recommendations are those of the authors and have not been endorsed by the usda.
Biobased products are goods made from renewable biogenic material also called biomass. Making the transition to biobased products biobased. The biobased economy develops faster in the usa than in europe. How biodegradable packaging can create new opportunities. Agricultural and forest products are generally used in the production of the above biofuels. Jaworski abstract this paper provides an outline of the biobased economy, its perspectives for agriculture and, more particularly, for development purposes.
This book promotes the development of sustainability schemes including standards, labels and certifications for the assessment of biobased. Bio base europe is an innovation and training center for the biobased economy. Bioeconomy shaping the transition to a sustainable, biobased. Biofuels, materials, and chemicals in the post oil era find, read and cite all the research you need on researchgate. Jaworski abstract this paper provides an outline of the biobased economy, its perspectives for agriculture and. Everyday low prices and free delivery on eligible orders. Decoupling of our economy from the fossil resource base by developing a biobased one can only be successful, if advanced materials are produced from renewable resources. Economics of bioresources concepts, tools, experiences. Biobased economy, bioeconomy or biotechonomy refers to economic activity involving the use of biotechnology in the production of goods, services, or energy from biological material as the primary resource base. A new jrc study details the potential of biobased chemicals in eu markets, and estimates their annual growth rate at about 3.
To further understand and analyze trends in the biobased economy, this report compares 2011 and 2016 report data. Our economy is slowly but surely heeding the signal that carbon is the new watchword. The bioeconomy is based on the premise that achieving a better balance. The biobased economy is poised for accelerated growth, with an abundance of costcompetitive feedstocks, commercial success of. Dit project is tot stand gekomen door een samenwerking binnen het centre of biobased economy getrokken door wageningen ur, has hogeschool, inholland delft, vanhall larenstein en cah vilentum. Cultivation area for energy and industrial crops in germany 19942019. The development of biobased materials is one of the biggest challenges of our society as fossil resources are becoming scarcer. An important aspect of the bioeconomy is understanding mechanisms and processes at the genetic, molecular, and. International market opportunities biobased economy. The future of biobased chemicals in the eu bioeconomy the need to reduce fossil fuel dependence in the chemical industry has led to the emergence of biobased alternative products. The impending threats of catastrophic climate change and peak oil are driving our society towards increased use of bioma. The committee believes that movement to a biobased production system is a sensible approach for achieving economic and environmental sustainability.
Share transition towards a sustainable biobased economy hardcover book. From the research centre biobased economy applied research is conducted in collaboration with knowledge institutions and businesses. Biofuels, materials and chemicals in the postoil era. April, 5 and 6, 2017 fapesp rua pio xi, 1500, alto da lapa, sao paulo. Then sufficient biomass will remain to meet the growing demand of biobased construction materials. Compiled by the biotechnology innovation organization bio, the renewable chemical platforms building the biobased economy paper profiles companies making progress in commercialising renewable chemical applications. Sustainability in the context of biobased economy the biobased economy can contribute to a more sustainable society, not only because it leads to an economy no longer primarily dependent on fossil fuels for energy and industrial raw materials, but also by generating less waste, by a lower energy consumption and by using less water. Measuring growth and impacts industrial biotechnology empowers the biobased economy, enhances a broad variety of industries and creates potential for new products. Biobased economy bioeconomy aims at reducing the dependence from fossil fuels and finite materials without overexploiting natural resources. The biobased economy bbe is an economy in which biomass is used for energy and chemistry purposes.
Towards a carbonnegative sustainable biobased economy. A biobased economy is an economy which for a large proportion draws its resources from living nature biomass, green resources, as an integral part of a green or sustainable economy. Langeveld and others published the biobased economy. The most frequently used types of biomass are sugar, starch, plant oils, wood and natural fibres. Transition towards a sustainable biobased economy hardcover book. This book defines the new field of bioeconomy as the sustainable and innovative use of biomass and biological knowledge to provide food, feed, industrial products, bioenergy and ecological services. Johan sanders and hans langevald and peter kuikman and marieke meeusen and gerwin meijer. In a bioeconomy, renewable biobased materials such as crop residues and dedicated energy crops replace petroleum as a primary source of industrial and energy raw materials.
Geert woltjer worked as assistant professor at maastricht university, the. Transition towards a sustainable biobased economy rsc. She is head of the international master course bioeconomy at the university of hohenheim, is a member of the bavarian expert panel on bioeconomy and leads and coordinates national and eufunded bioeconomy research projects. The rise of the biobased economy and why brand owners. Usa a new report showcasing 100 global businesses building the biobased economy with renewable chemical applications has been released. Oct 21, 2014 news europe focuses on social acceptance of the biobased economy published on october 21, 2014. The geopolitics of phosphate even extends to the facts, i. An important aspect of the bioeconomy is understanding mechanisms and processes at the genetic, molecular, and genomic levels, and applying this understanding to.
Renewable chemical platforms building the biobased economy. Catalogue offers complete overview of biobased building. Food and environmental issues associated with the biobased economy of the twentyfirst century. The book presentation of the catalogue took place at the national conference for circular economy on 21 february in the hague. Introduction biobased economy and biobased society bio. This book aims to fill this gap by promoting a holistic approach, which covers environmental, social and economic sustainability aspects and pushes forward the development of a circular, biobased economy.
It explains opportunities for the valueadding production and use of bioresources, while also discussing the main drivers and obstacles involved. It consists of several layers, each with their products. Biofuels, materials and chemicals in the postoil era first by hans langeveld, johan sanders, marieke meeusen isbn. In this scheme, a high mannitol syrup is obtained by shredding and pressing the. The cornerstone of this economy is the biorefinery, in which renewable resources are intelligently converted to a plethora of products, maximizing the valorization of the. Today, the obama administration announced its commitment to strengthening bioscience research as a major driver of american innovation and economic growth. The types of energy generated from these products include uses in transportation, heating, electric appliances etc. In the same year when china imposed its export tariff, it lowered its figure for proven reserves by 3,000 million tons, quite a lot in a world total of 16,000 million tons. Cooperative banking in the biobased economy but without. Reflecting upon that issue, one will come to the conclusion that the biobased economy will have its points of gravity in the regions, depending on local crops and their available processing technologies. Taking place over two and a half days, ecobio 2018 will comprise plenary talks and forum discussions, parallel sessions, posters and an exhibition. Bioenergy ethanol production in the united states surpassed 14. Based on a detailed discussion of the technological, environmental and policy aspects that are involved in making the transition, the book convincingly shows that a transition to a biobased economy can facilitate the replacement of fossil fuels by biomass in our societies. Purchase biobased products and industries 1st edition.
The idea is based on increasing the use of biotechnologies and biofuels, and is a response to growing concerns about the unsustainable use and management of finite natural resources. Micromasters is a brandnew credential that was launched by edx and 15 of the worlds leading universities. As such, the united states department of agriculture usda should look. Biobased economy workshop status meeting new call presentation matchmaking. Opportunities and challenges for seaweed in the biobased. Biobased economy sustainable use of agricultural resources. She is author of several studies on bioenergy and biobased economy. Pdf development perspectives of the biobased economy. A biobased economy is perceived as a major crosssectoral topic and is promoted as a smart specialisation strategy for whole regions and companies. The biobased economy is an economy driven by efficiency in using crops and biomass for food, feed, chemicals, energy and fuels. Oct 24, 2016 the biobased economy or bioeconomy has the potential to create new companies, new jobs and even entirely new industries. Biobased economy stateoftheart assessment peter nowicki martin banse christiaan bolck afsg harriette bos afsg elinor scott wageningen university project code 20956 february 2008 report 6. Through joint research programmes, flanders biobased valley is building research and development expertise in the field of biobased products and bioenergy. The bioeconomy agenda emerged in response to the need to find alternatives to fossil fuels.
The biobased economy shows that it is possible to overcome the risks by introducing more efficient, innovative, uses of biomass, based on the refining of biomass, providing input for chemicals, feed and energy. The major commodity produced in the biobased economy is energy, in the. The biobased economy by hans langeveld, johan sanders. Biobased products and industries 1st edition elsevier.
The biobased economy is playing an increasingly important role in the american economy. Sustainability transition towards a biobased economy. The biobased economy ebook by 97816543487 rakuten kobo. Agriculture will be core to the biobased economy, providing source materials for commodity items, e. This book covers all topics of the new bioeconomy, by giving the theoretical background, using practical examples and providing small learning units. Marieke meeusen is senior researcher in sustainable agricultural chains in the agricultural economics research institute, wageningen university and research centre, where she is deputy head of the markets and networks section, and leading a research programme on biobased economy.
In this project we have researched the international market opportunities for dutch. The chapters highlight the importance of bioeconomyrelated concepts in public, scientific, and political discourse. The bioeconomy the term bioeconomy includes all industries and economic sectors that produce, manage and otherwise exploit biological resources e. These novel routes have the potential to improve the efficiency of biomass application per unit of land by at least a factor 3. Biofuels, materials and chemicals in the postoil era view larger image by. The major commodity produced in the biobased economy is energy, in the form of liquid fuels ethanol and biodiesel and biogas hardy, 2002. Biobased economy, bioeconomy or biotechonomy refers to economic activity involving the use of biotechnology in the production of biobased goods, services, or energy from biological material or biomass as the primary resource base. Een animatie om zakelijke klanten te helpen zich duurzaam te ontwikkelen met laagdrempelige kennis over biobased economy. Producerindustry relationships in a biobased economy. Turning waste into value 2nd biobased economy conference. Europe focuses on social acceptance of the biobased economy wur. Nov 01, 2016 een animatie om zakelijke klanten te helpen zich duurzaam te ontwikkelen met laagdrempelige kennis over biobased economy. The biobased economy is, in fact, growing, and it offers great potential for increased job creation in numerous sectors across the u. The future of biobased chemicals in the eu bioeconomy.
Largely untapped, biomass resources in india are huge and expectant to take charge of the energy demand in the country. Oct 14, 2014 according to the report, biobased chemicals are expected to comprise 10 percent of the chemical market by 2015. Participants involved in pioneering the biobased economy share their experience, optimism and passion for biobased industrial development. It is a platform that supports the development of sustainable, biobased products such as biochemicals, bioplastics, biomaterials, biodetergents, bioenergy, etc. Towards a sustainable bioeconomy books of abstracts 2015 strategies towards a resource. Purchase the role of bioenergy in the emerging bioeconomy 1st edition. Although the debate on the bioeconomy has gained momentum in recent decades. The bioeconomy model is expected to reduce our dependency on fossil fuels in the long term.
Our approach was to develop cascading biorefinery approaches that maximize the value of the raw material, as shown in a scheme for brown seaweeds. And now to the biobased economy and its financing needs. The biobased economy biofuels, materials and chemicals. The development of a biobased economy w il l ta ke place in an u ncerta in contex t, contr ibuted to by cl im ate chan ge, p r o d u c t i o n o f b i o f u e l s, f o s s i l f u e l p r i c e. The dutch seaweed biorefinery program started in 2009. An important aspect of the bioeconomy is understanding mechanisms and processes at the genetic, molecular, and genomic levels, and applying this understanding to creating or improving. The main objective of this book is to explore the potential of a biobased economy and and to determine how to steer its implementation in such a way that it leads to an optimal environmental, economic and social performanceit is a very important contribution to a transition towards a biobased economy. Iris lewandowski holds the chair for biobased products and energy crops at the university of hohenheim in stuttgart, germany.
Apr 25, 2017 a biobased economy is closely associated with the development of the biotechnology industry. Biofuels, materials and chemicals in the postoil era 9781844077700 and a great selection of similar new, used and collectible books available now at great prices. Other initiatives looking into a seaweed biorefinery approach have been started such as the danish mab3 project. This fundamental book provides a crosssectoral, multidisciplinary view on the biobased economy. By the end of the next century, many current petroleumderived products could be replaced by less expensive and betterperforming products based on renewable materials grown in americas forests and agricultural fields. The impending threats of catastrophic climate change and peak oil are driving our society towards increased use of biomass for energy, chemical compounds and other materials the beginnings of a biobased economy. Edited by johan sanders, hans langevald, peter kuikman, marieke meeusen, gerwin meijer.
Jan 11, 2012 the rise of the biobased economy and why brand owners need to develop a strategy in 2012. Catalogue offers complete overview of biobased building materials. Continued investments are needed to establish a biobased infrastructure while ensuring that the economics of biobased feedstocks are competitive with existing, petroleumbased feedstocks. This workshop joins brazilian and dutch researchers active in the field of biobased economy. Scientists have been able to not only study and understand genetic material but also manipulate it, resulting in technological progress and scientific breakthroughs. Across the globe, nations are investing in publicprivate partnerships to expand their biobased economy for domestic and international consumers. The biobased economy book biofuels, materials and chemicals in the postoil era edited by johan sanders, hans langevald, peter kuikman, marieke meeusen, gerwin meijer. In comparison to wood, tree bark is a very versatile resource.
Agriculture has the potential to be central to this economy, providing source materials for commodity items such as liquid fuels and valueadded products chemicals and materials. Usda report highlights potential of the biobased economy. The european bioeconomy has an approximate market size of over. Bioeconomy shaping the transition to a sustainable. Biobased products industry 2018 acknowledgments the u. The biobased economy can and should be to the 21st century what the fossilbased economy was to the 20th century. On january 24th, the first course of the new micromasters biobased sciences for sustainability will start. Turning waste into value opportunities for companies and research institutes in the german capital region and europe background. The biobased economy relies on sustainable, plantderived resources for fuels, chemicals, materials, food and feed rather than on the evanescent usage of fossil resources. Geopolitics of phosphate in a biobased economy bio based. As alternative development models for the biobased economy emerge, we need to determine potential applications, their perspectives and possible impacts as well as policies that can. The rise of the biobased economy and why brand owners need to develop a strategy in 2012. The biobased economy can be to the 21st century what the fossilbased economy was to the 20th century.
The rise of the biobased economy and why brand owners need. The national bioeconomy blueprint outlines steps that agencies will take to drive the bioeconomyeconomic activity powered by research and innovation in the biosciencesand details ongoing efforts across the federal government to. Biobased economy blog of researchers of wur about research. Biobased economy services of the novainstitut gmbh. Ecobio 2018 will bring together representatives from both academia and industry to highlight progress and recent developments and the necessary steps to make the biobased economy a reality.
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